Building a small RGB light panel: Part 1: The Setup

Let’s start by limiting expectations:

Are we going to save money? Probably not.

Are we going to have better functionality? Almost certainly not.

Sometimes a project is taken on just to understand how it could be done. Maybe just to improve skill sets. Also, it could be we just are very curious.

The case here is all of the above.

That being said, a comparison to commercial alternatives is definitely on the table and we will most definitely being doing such an activity.

Without further ado, let’s get started.

The Idea

Ever since seeing the Apeture MC, it’s been a bit of an obsession. However, children soak up your money by existing and therefore one has never appeared on the doorstep.

If you are interested in the Apeture MC, visit Apeture’s site.

Additional alternatives appear all over Amazon:

… You know what? New Layer has a list, go there.

Anyway, The features I want in my own light:

  • USB Charging
  • Magnetic Attachment
  • Bluetooth Control

The Goals

Again, this is not going to be cheap. The MC costs $90 US, we can add shipping in later but cheaper is not going to be a goal here.

  • Comparable Cost
  • Simple enough to make plans for others.
  • Comparable Physical Size to the MC

The Summary

This is not a one day project. There will be horrible soldering. This could go entirely wrong.

But until then let’s have some fun with it.

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